Dark Light (Desk Model)
22" x 30"
graphite and monoprint on paper
Statement I make drawings, prints, paper cuts, sculptures and installations. Recurring themes include social skepticism, sarcasm, failure, the inadequacy of daily life, language and humor. More recent projects explore personal transformation, happiness and good attitudes. For example, I make sculptures of (absent) presents to reference value and the possibility of material objects conveying intangible emotions. In a series of works on paper, I propose inventions for personal improvement and remedying minor inconveniences. My language-based works present quotidian textssuch as to-do lists, grocery lists, and imagined dialoguesas illegible masses, suggesting anxiety and failure. My work is characterized by my ambivalence towards optimism and pessimism. Though I would like to be an optimist, I am a resolute realist. For me, pessimism is rooted in “shittiness”quotidian tribulations in corporeal reality. Optimism, on the other hand, suggests transcendence. I see an analogous paradox in art: conceptual art must be materialized (but materials are often mundane and ubiquitous, like photocopies or common art supplies), and yet art is still expected, quite optimistically, to convey the ineffable, to illuminate the unknowable. I don’t expectbut still aspire towardsredemption through the act of creating art.