Untitled 20' x 8' Pillow Installation 2007
Statement A memory is a fragment of the past, filtered through ourselves. It retains the salient, emotionally charged aspects of one's history. We speak of memories as things, physical objects that exist in real space. Memories do not only leave marks in our mind. Our bodies are a record of our past, our experiences. They record our physical and emotional history. My work attempts to communicate woven historical artifacts through dual modalities. I want the viewer, upon first seeing my work, to be struck with a decidedly emotional reaction. I want the slightly worrisome, sickening feeling that something is amiss. In a sense, I want to temporarily suspend the logical, language-based reaction and allow the viewer to have a visceral response. This reaction will allow a more empathetic understanding. I also want to capture the trace evidence of memory as it impacts both inanimate and biological bodies.