Still from Legend of Archy Lee
Statement My process is collaborative. It encourages multiple voices, displacing the singularity of my voice as the artist. I arrange and orchestrate situations creating the possibility for the unexpected to occur. Within these parameters, stories are told. Each collaboration is a vehicle for exploring communication, drawing attention at times to the gaps between the origin of an idea and its final understanding. The stories told do not communicate “the truth”. They remind us of the impossibility of duplicating a story in the retelling of it. My practice is prismatic. Through interaction, improvisation and filtering, I excavate the underlying breathe of a story through this iterative and collaborative process. This break or breath I call slippage, an important part of the conversations. Occurring over space, these slippages are an echo where portions of the sound hide in caves, alleys and under carpets. Any language will do, so long as there is always the “back and forth”.