Master of Architecture Thesis
Redefining home for the Urban Nomad
Today, shifting social patterns and technology are creating the ability and need to live in an increasingly mobile society. New lifestyles have emerged, people are spending more time becoming educated, joining the workforce later, and are less committed to family life than previous generations. This predominately urban lifestyle focuses more on change and movement rather than stasis and the physical connection to location. However, our built environment has yet to respond to this emerging phenomenon- creating tension with the static nature of current housing as a fixed set of programmatic and spatial relationships.
How can architecture address these housing needs for a generation constantly on the move?
For the young urban generation, dwelling is facilitated by technology- establishing communication and making connections. This happens through the act of plugging in. With the use of technology one no longer needs to come face to face to communicate, which forces us to lose contact. This thesis will use technology to bring people closer together and establish a new kind of social space within the urban context. Through this system, the notion of home and place holds a new meaning- it is no longer about tradition, nostalgia, and becoming rooted in location, and more about reconnecting and establishing a sense of community.